
Early Start Denver Model

  • The Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) is a behavioral therapy for children with autism between the ages of 12-48 months.
  • It is based on the methods of applied behavior analysis (ABA). … Through play and joint activities, the child is encouraged to boost language, social and cognitive skills.
  • Based on an understanding of normal toddler learning and development.
  • Focused on building positive relationships.
  • Teaching occurs during natural play and everyday activities.
  • Uses play to encourage interaction and communication.
  • ESDM therapy can be used in many settings, including at home, at a clinic, or in school. Therapy is provided in both group settings and one-on-one.
  • It has been found to be effective for children with a wide range of learning styles and abilities. ESDM can help children make progress in their social skills, language skills, and cognitive skills.
  • Parent involvement is a key part of the ESDM program. Therapists should explain and model the strategies they use so that families can practice them at home.